
With the weather finally becoming a bit warmer it was time to get stuck-in to some more jobs in the garage. I ordered a replacement clutch hub for my GSXR1100 before Christmas, and with bike on the lift I can get started.

I had previously replaced the steel plates, which looked very warn, and possibly part of my clutch issues where the plates were sticking. I’d also previously tried to dress the wear damaged on the clutch hub splines, but having ridden the bike again it was clear I needed a new hub.

The process takes roughly 90 minutes to complete, plus a bit more time if you also need to remove the bottom fairing. I prefer to remove all the clutch plates before removing the hub, so you’ll need a magnet to make your life easier. The clutch hub minus the plates is also easier to handle, and you are less likely to dislodge the clutch basket when removing the hub.

More work on the GSXR1100 clutch 1

You’ll also need to replace the crush spacer and washer when refitting the hub. The 50 to 70 NM required torque for the hub spacer nut is fairly low when compared to later models, some make double sure washer is folded around the nut to prevent any movement.

I’ve not had a chance to ride since reassembly, maybe I’ll have time for a quick spin before I start on the suspension linkage.

Ride safe,



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