I am starting to see a lot more people wearing these on the roads. What are your views? From time to time I wear a high visibility sash, especially in the winter months when I do more riding in the dark. I think trying to imitate the look of the police high visibility vest is a bit much for me, but perhaps it makes people think about looking out for bikers on the road.
Does anyone where you can find some reliable statistics which support wearing high visibility jackets, and the using police style branding?
Ride safe,
Al (Barnfindmotorcycles.com)
1 Comment
Roger B · October 6, 2014 at 6:11 pm
Imitating a police officer is a serious offence, and I think that these vests are getting a little too near to the mark. I ride a white bike, wear a white helmet, and sometimes a yellow hi-viz If i had one of those vest, then I would expect a tug from the law. Mind you, car drivers nearly always pull over to let me pass, but I’ve noticed fewer bikers nodding to me.